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Infinity Blade III is the sequel to Infinity Blade II and the final installment of the Infinity Blade series. Like the first two installments, it is an action role-playing game developed for iOS devices by ChAIR Entertainment and Epic Games. It was released to the App Store on 18 September 2013 and the protagonists of the game are Siris and Isa.


The game begins by playing a short video, Infinity Blade: Origins, which explains the history of the Infinity Blade, how the Worker of Secrets forged it, and his true identity as the "Father of the Deathless" and "Creator and Destroyer of All."

The scene then shifts to the Ark, the Worker's secret lair, which Raidriar has broken into. (You play as Raidriar in the tutorial) Raidriar challenges the Worker to a battle, but the Worker summons his minions to fight him instead. Like Infinity Blade II, the scene had been described by the book and bears some difference to Redemption. However, Raidriar fights a Iron Dreadnaught and Ashimar and after he has defeated Ashimar he picks up his weapon which happens to be a new version of The Infinity Blade. Confused, he asks the Worker why he created more Infinity Weapons.

Galath, the Worker, replies that he wanted to keep the Deathless occupied while he destroyed the world, as well as to make certain he could replicate the Infinity Blade. Raidriar then antagonizes the Worker by asking how Ausar managed to trap the Worker in the Vault of Tears if the Worker was so powerful. The Worker, unable to give an answer other than calling Ausar an "anomaly", begins the fight by summoning Ashimar's Infinity Blade to him, and throwing a blow towards the God King. It is easy to defeat Galath at this stage, but if you damage 1/3 of his health, he will automatically disarm you, similar to the The Dark Knight in Infinity Blade I. Galath will ask Raidriar to join him, but Raidriar, remembering the words Uriel told him, refuses and teleports the Worker's datapod away instead. The Worker is enraged and permanently kills Raidriar with the Infinity Blade.

The scene then switches to Siris and Isa's hideout. Isa, who has just been reborn, awakes in the rebirth chamber. Siris tells her that much as passed since she died, and that Raidriar has gone missing. He told her that he would go to Larioth, the God King's stronghold, and find him. Thus begins a series of acts and interludes playable by Siris or Isa.

In Act 1, the Anomaly, Siris travels to Larioth to find the God King. After meeting Shell ,the merchant and killing several Titans, he finally arrives at Raidriar's study to find that a Soulless God King is posing as Raidriar. Siris defeats the Soulless God King easily, but he teleports away before Siris can get any information. Siris takes Infinity Cleaver the Soulless God King dropped and the datapod that Raidriar sent him, and teleports back to his stronghold.

In Act 2, Buried in the Past, Isa, who has recovered, is looking for other Infinity Weapons in an excavation in the Seccian Desert. She finds a vault filled with slots of various Infinity Weapons, but Terrovax stops her. After defeating Terrovax, she gains information from him about clues leading to the other weapons.

In Act 3, the Right Weapon, Isa goes to rescue Jensen, the Blacksmith, who has been captured by Raidriar. After fighting in the Broken tower, she finally finds a prison that Jensen is held in. However, a QIP abomination of Thane intercepts her, and she has to fight it. After slaying the QIP Abomination, Isa frees Jensen and the two return to the Hideout.

In Siris's Act 3, Siris heads towards the Pit, seeking Therin, the Killer of Dreams. Inside the Pit, Siris battles a Titan and a Monstrosity before fighting Therin. Siris kills Therin and takes away his Infinity Spear.

In Act 4, Revelations, Siris goes back to the castle in Saranthia in search of the Redeemer. He succeeds, and tells Eves to modify the QIP of the datapod, while telling Jensen to reconfigure the Redeemer, preparing to erase the memory of Galath.

In Isa's Act 4, she travels to the House of Kor to battle Lelindre, Mistress of the End. While Lelindre defeats Isa, she spares her and tells her the location of the secret lair of the Worker. She also gives her Infinity Daggers.

In the last Act, Siris and Isa both head out to the Ark to stop the Worker from destroying the world. After battling Titans, Monstrosities, and even Ba'el herself, they arrive outside the Worker's "throne". The Worker tells Soulless Raidriar to defeat Siris and join him on the Ark, but Isa tells Siris to go after Galath while she stays to fight the Soulless God King. This time, in terms of stats, the Soulless God King is almost as strong as the real Raidriar, but Isa manages to defeat him, but ends up badly wounded. Siris stops Galath from getting in the Ark, challenging him to a fight. After the battle, Siris's Infinity Cleaver is parried away from him and it drops down the ledge of the walkway. Galath holds Siris by the neck, preparing to stab Siris with the Infinity Blade. However, Siris twists around and sends the Infinity Blade into Galath's chest instead. Galath mocks him, saying that the blade he created will not kill him, but Siris inserts the Redeemer inside the blade, causing a forced rebirth and erasing Galath's memory. Siris and Isa embrace as they're consumed by the flames from the Ark, before themselves rebirthing back at the Hideout.

In the post-credits scene, a child is seen building a sand castle that resembles the Worker's tower in which the Ark is held. This child is presumed to be the Worker, reborn as a child with his memories erased. If you watch until the end of the post-credit scene, you will obtain an acheivement, "Toddler of Secrets", further supporting this theory.

Soul Hunter[]

In the Metius Observatory, Siris or Isa travel to a run down rebirth chamber to find Oslim, a deathless Bloodmage armed with the Infinity Swords. After a brief dialogue they fight Oslim and defeat him gaining the Infinity Swords.

Ausar Rising[]

In the Plains of Koroth, Isa travels to the plains of Koroth in order to discover whether rumours about a cult dedicated to resurrecting Ausar the Vile were true, after fighting her way through several guards she enters an old rebirth chamber in which lies a suit of Vile Armour. She then talks to the High Priest of Ausar's cult and tells him that Ausar has already risen and that he uses another name, the High Priest denies this and fights her. After defeating the Priest, Isa starts walking to a chest next to the rebirth table, but Soulless Ausar sneaks behind her and breaks her neck. When Isa Rebirths she tells Siris that Ausar is somehow back. Siris assumes it to be a soulless copy of himself that needs to be stopped before the world descends into more chaos.

In Drem's Maw, Isa travels to Siris' home and makes sure the village is safe. After defeating all enemies in her way she confronts Minnoch, a lesser Deathless, who annoys her by saying that the people in the village are slaves ripe for the taking. Isa defeats him and kills herself by setting herself ablaze and being reborn back at the hideout.



Location: THE ARK[]

THE WORKER OF SECRETS dared to place an Impostor on your throne! Confront the WORKER at his seat of power, and teach him the price of usurping THE GOD KING.[verification needed]


  • Before battling an Iron Dreadnaught
    • Raidriar: "Worker! I have escaped your prison. I am here for you!"
    • Galath: "You are such an interesting specimen, Raidriar. Do you realize that? You are like a rare butterfly, whose patterns take generations of breeding to perfect."
    • Raidriar: "I am not here for word games, Ancient! You will face me! We will end this!"
    • Galath: "You see? That is what makes you so wonderful! The others, they never really bought in. It's an act to them. When they put aside the masks, they put aside the god. But you … you believe." (Summons Iron Dreadnaught)
    • Raidriar': "More minions? This is pointless. Face me yourself, and know my fury!"
    • Galath: "Do you listen to yourself, Raidriar? You really are something special."
  • After battle
    • Raidriar: "A waste. Such a fine creation, slain for no reason."
    • Galath: "Indeed. It will be a shame to see you dead."
    • Raidriar: "Do not play your games with me, Worker. Your life is mine, and I have come to claim it."
    • Galath: "There you go again. Once in a while, I create something truly remarkable."
    • Raidriar: "I was born, not created!"
    • Galath: "Oh? And there was no interference between your birth and now? No changes made to your QIP to grant, say, functional immortality? Well, fight your way over here. Then we'll be on with our climactic final duel, or whatever you want to call it." (Summons Ashimar)
  • Before battling Ashimar
    • Raidriar: "Ashimar. So, he pits us against one another. I have not forgotten the kindness you showed me when I was young. Lay down your weapon and leave this place."
    • Ashimar: "You can't fight him. He knows too much. Everything we do is but a string he has pulled."
    • Raidriar: "And this? I hold the only weapon that can destroy him. You would have me believe that he let me have this on purpose?" **Ashimar summons his own Infinity Blade
    • Raidriar: "I am sorry, old friend."
    • Ashimar: "I am not."
  • After Killing Ashimar
    • Raidriar: (holding up the copy of the Infinity Blade) "Why?"
    • Galath: "To occupy them and to make certain I could replicate it. The greater weapons that will cleanse this planet...they have always been able to break the Deathless bond. Vaporizing all life is needed for this. No body to return to, no resurrection chambers to rebuild them... Still assuming you are able to kill me, Raidriar? You really think I would build a weapon that could destroy me?"
    • Raidriar: "If you are all-powerful, then why did you let yourself be imprisoned for a thousand years? (Infinity Blade flew to Galath) It was Ausar, wasn't it?"
    • Galath: "He is an anomaly!"
  • After being defeated by Galath
    • Galath: (Holds blade against Raidriar's neck) "I am divinity! I am the father of nations and peoples. Everything that exists on this planet exists by my forbearance. I am the thing you merely pretend to be…I am god and king, and you can never defeat me! (Takes away the Blade) Now… now you understand… and now you take your place. You are mine, and you always have been. We are going to cleanse this planet, Raidriar, and start anew. I need a few to serve beneath me. You will take this opportunity, and you will savor it, Raidriar. Tell me of my mercy. Beg me to let you live!"
    • Raidriar: You are right. I cannot defeat you. But I know who can. (Teleports the datapod away)
    • Galath:"No… No!!!" (Kills Raidriar)

Act I - The Anomaly[]

Location: The Stronghold at Larioth[]

Raidriar has made the ultimate sacrifice - it must not be in vain. Retrieve the Worker's datapod from Raidriar's stronghold in Larioth to find what information it contains. Play as: Siris


  • Before battle
    • Raidriar: "Quite an entrance!"
    • Siris: "What happened to you? Why did your Seringal attack me? Wait. You're not Raidriar!"
    • Raidriar: "I rule this land now, Ausar, in the name of the true king of the Deathless!"
    • Siris: "My name is Siris. Ausar the Vile no longer exists."
    • Raidriar: "Not for long, anyway."
  • After battle

Act II - Buried In the Past[]

Location: The Seccian Desert[]

The Worker is arming the Deathless with Infinity Weapons. Investigate his secret excavation in the Seccian Desert to learn the origin of these tools of destruction. Play as: Isa.


  • Before battle
    • Terrovax: "Looking for something?"
    • Isa: "Terrovax. I thought I smelled something old and rotting."
    • Terrovax: "Once again, poking around where you don't belong. Now that you've seen this, I can't let you leave."
    • Isa: "We'll see about that."
  • After battle
    • Terrovax: "Finish it."
    • Isa: "No, Terrovax, we're just getting started. There are all sorts of things I want to know before you die."

Interlude I - The Stockpile[]

Location: The Seccian Desert[]

The Worker's most ancient and powerful treasures were excavated here. Some of them remain locked away, guarded and protected by the fiercest of Daeril. Play as: Siris/Isa

Act III - The Right Weapon[]

Location: The Pit[]

Track down Therin, the Deathless lord who runs brutal bloodsports in his arena, Pit. He may have been armed with an Infinity Weapon... Play as: Siris


  • After Siris walks into Pit
    • Therin: "The mighty Ausar! Your legend precedes you."
    • Siris: "Funny- I've never heard of you. Your weapon; give it to me, or your winning streak ends here."
    • Therin: "Challenge me? Hah! You have to earn that privilege! Survive my titans, and you may get your chance."
    • Siris: "We'll see about that."
  • After Siris defeats the titan
    • Therin: "Getting tired, Ausar? The main attraction's about to start!"
  • After Siris defeats the monstrosity
    • Siris: "Is this the best you can do? Come down and fight me, coward!"
    • Therin: "I will enjoy killing the legendary Ausar!"

Location: The Broken Tower[]

Locate and rescue Jensen, the captured Blacksmith of Siris' home, Drem's Maw. Recruit him and his skills for Siris' secret offensive. Play as: Isa


  • After defeating Thane's abomination
    • Jensen: "Tell the God King he'll get nothing from me!"
    • Isa: "I'm here to free you. Siris sent me."
    • Jensen: "Siris? He lives?"
    • Isa: "He does, and he needs your help. Come, let's get you out of here."
  • At the Hideout
    • Jensen: (To Siris)"So, the stories are true - you do fight the Deathless!"
  • Siris: (Laughs) "Hell take me! Jensen, you've grown up! It's good to see you my friend. And if you are half the blacksmith I remember, we have need of your skills."
  • Jensen: "I would be honored!"

Interlude II - The Bloodmage[]

Location: The Metius Observatory[]

Terrovax hinted that the Worker sent Oslim, one of his most cunning Deathless Bloodmages, to investigate this ancient site. He travels armed with an Infinity Weapon... Play as Siris/Isa


Act IV - Revelations[]

Location: The Vault of Tears[]

Return to Ausar's former stronghold, the Vault of Tears, to discover how the Worker stole his memory. TEL will show you where to look... Play as: Siris


  • Before battle
    • Melek: Welcome home, Ausar.
    • Siris: I no longer answer that name.
    • Melek: Why not? Just the mention of it once struck fear in the hearts of your friends and enemies alike.
    • Siris: I don't care about that.
    • Melek: Oh no? The Worker thinks you do. You are one of us, Ausar. Your glory can be restored.
    • Siris: Never!

Location: The Pinnacle Monastery[]

Investigate why Lelindre, one of the oldest and most powerful Deathless, has aligned herself with the Worker. Find out if she was given one of the Infinity Weapons... Play as: Isa


  • Before battle, after Isa shoots her bolt
    • Lelindre: (After catching Isa's bolt and throwing it the ground.) "Hmmm... You're fast, but young. How many times have you died? Two? Three? You learn something from each death, as you'll come to see."
  • After Isa is knocked back by Lelindre
    • Isa: "What are you waiting for? Do it! I've had enough of this. End it!"
    • Lelindre: "You didn't want this gift, did you? Immortality. It... numbs you after a while. The Worker doesn't understand this. That's why I refused his salvation, and stayed behind to watch the fire."
    • Isa: "Where is he?"
    • Lelindre: "Right under your feet. (Indicating the spot on the world map where Isa is standing on.) I was tempted by his offer, but then I came to understand his intentions. He'll be ascending soon. Everyone left behind will die forever."
    • Isa: "Ascending? To where?"
    • Lelindre: "Heaven. There are some things you need to know."

Act V - Ascension[]

Location: Ark[]

All roads led to this. Journey to the Worker's seat of power in the Hidden Lands, and stop him from unleashing his wrath and burning the world to ashes. Play as: Siris (Isa)


  • Before battle with Soulless Raidriar
    • Galath: "Welcome, Ausar, to the end of this - my failed experiment - and to the beginning of my new future.
    • Siris: "All this - the dragons, arming the deathless, it was like before. Just chaos to cover this...this..."
    • Galath: "What's wrong, Ausar? That troublesome memory of yours?"
    • Siris: "I know who I am!"
    • Galath: "You have NO IDEA who you are - or what you've done. I will soon burn this world, Ausar. And you going to burn with it, or have you finally come to beg my forgiveness for your betrayal?"
    • Siris: "You're insane!"
    • Galath: I think not - but you will come to understand true insanity, when your quantum pattern drifts aimlessly about this smoldering world, with no body to return to..."
    • Siris: "You'll never get the chance."
    • Galath: "If you think that toy will kill me, then you're an even bigger fool than I realized.
    • (turns to Soulless Raidriar) Kill him - but leave him to revive. He has far more suffering yet to come. When you're finished, join me on Ark.
    • Soulless Raidriar: "Yes,my lord." (takes out his blade as Galath leaves)
    • Isa: (fires at Soulless Raidriar with her crossbow, then turns to Siris) "I'll handle him - you go after the Worker... What are you waiting for? Go!"
  • Before battle with the Worker
    • Galath: "Enough! You never did know when to quit."(summons the Infinity Blade)
    • Siris: (pulls out a weapon as he approaches Galath) "We end this, now!
  • After damaging about 1/4 of Galath's health
    • Galath: "What do you care about this world? We've destroyed it a dozen times before!"
    • Siris: "I remember the things you and I have done. The billions of lives we've..."
    • Galath: "You DO remember, don't you? Don't you, Ausar?
  • After damaging about 1/2 of Galath's health
    • Isa: (enters, then collapses at the room's entrance, injured) "Siris! You have to finish him!"
    • Galath: "Leave her, Ausar! Leave her now, or die in fire with her. Your choice."
    • Siris: "No." (lunges at Galath)
  • After battle
    • Isa: (Galath disarmed Siris, weapon fell from the side) No!
    • Galath: (lifts Siris on the neck) I made this world. I will unmake it as I please! Just like I will unmake you! (ready to stab)
    • Isa: Siris...
    • Siris dodges and counter the blade into Galath
    • Galath: I... created this blade. Did you really think... it could kill me?
    • Siris: I never believed it will kill you, but I do believe...
    • Galath: Siris...
    • Siris: redemption!
    • Galath: No! No! (Explode in aura, then disappear

Interlude - Dragonslayer[]

Location: The Stronghold at Larioth[]

The Dragon is wounded and has been spotted in Larioth. Destroy her before she can recover and wreak further devastation upon the land. Play as: Siris/Isa

Interlude - Ausar Rising[]

Location: Plains of Koroth[]

Rumor tells of a secret cult dedicated to resurrecting AUSAR THE VILE. Though risky, there may be a way to learn what the WORKER is really plotting... Play as: Isa

Content Packs[]

Infinity Blade III has received 4 content pack updates to date.

Soul Hunter[]

The first content pack update was released on October 31st, 2013. It included a new Interlude as well as a new Deathless boss and new weapons, the Infinity Swords. The Vile Set and the Stealth Set were also added in this update.

Ausar Rising[]

The second content pack update was released on December 19th, 2013. It was dubbed "the largest content update ever" in the Infinity Blade series. It included a multitude of new features, such as 60 new items, 3 new quests, 2 new modes (Deathless Quest and Arena Mode), 8 new enemies, 2 new gems and a new dragon, Pisci.

Blade Masters[]

The third content pack was released on May 21st, 2014, five months after the second update. It brought back an old enemy, Ryth, as well as the Solar Trans weapons and a new quest. The content pack also brought new enemies, a new Deathless Blademaster known as The Collector and enabled the customization of characters.

Kingdom Come[]

The final content pack was released on September 4th, 2014. It added the Infinity Blade series' epilogue of what happens after the Worker's defeat. The player can now set out to confront Lelindre and learn the ultimate fate of the Ark in this aftermath storyline. This update also added the King of Dragons, Dragoor, the new dragon who dwells in the new frozen wastelands of Nafusaan. The new update also allows the player to master items up to lvl 100, obtain 6 new treasure maps, battle 5 new enemies, and collect over 25 new items for both Isa and Siris. This also includes new goals and achievements the player can earn. This is the final installment to the Infinity Blade series.

Version history[]

Version Release date Type Patch notes
1.4.4 06 October, 2017 Hotfix
  • Supports full iPhone 8 resolution, iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, and iPod Touch 6 - and it looks amazing!
  • Fully compatible with iOS 11
  • Additional updates & bug fixes
1.4.3 29 August, 2017 Hotfix
  • Supports full iPhone 7 resolution, iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, and iPod Touch 6 - and it looks amazing!
  • Fully compatible with iOS 10
  • Additional updates & bug fixes
1.4.2 30 April, 2015 Hotfix
  • Supports full iPhone 6 resolution, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3, and iPod Touch 6 - and it looks amazing!
  • Fully compatible with iOS 8
  • Additional updates & bug fixes
1.4.1 09 October, 2014 Hotfix Fixed issue with Dragoor, the new dragon not showing up.
1.4 04 September, 2014 Content Pack Thanks again to all of our amazing players for their continued support of Infinity Blade III!

Follow @InfinityBlade for all the latest news.

Update 1.4


  • In the aftermath of the Worker's defeat, Siris sets out to confront Lelindre and learn the ultimate fate of the Ark!
  • Explore the frozen wastelands of Nafusaan, fighting monsters and tempting fate in an attempt to claim the huge loot reward sitting at the feet of the legendary and fearsome Dragoor - King of Dragons!
  • Unlock ability to Master Items up to LVL 100!
  • 4 new Treasure Maps!
  • 5 new Enemies to battle!
  • Over 15 new items for both Isa and Siris, including magic rings, weapons, shields, helmets, and armors to collect, master, and sell.
  • A number of additional balancing tweaks, bug fixes, and gameplay enhancements.
1.3.1 11 June, 2014 Hotfix
1.3 22 May, 2014 Content Pack Update 1.3


  • Meet the Collector, an ancient Deathless Blade Master who seeks to acquire the finest weapons ever crafted.
  • Gripping his Solar Trans blade tight, RYTH RETURNS in his eternal quest to find worthy opponents to face him in the ultimate duel!
  • New TRAINER feature! Enhance your skills and refine your technique battling with the Hideout's new Training Bot.
  • Introduction of Beginners Tournaments to allow newer players to compete against other new players with similar skill levels.
  • New CUSTOMIZE feature! Added to the Character Menu is the all-new Customize screen, allowing you to change the COLOR of Siris and Isa's armor, select a unique STYLE animation, view characters of your MYMOB friends, and even take a SELFIE!
  • New GOAL CHASE feature! Compare your MyMob friends goal progress with chase tracking!
  • Unlock ability to Master Items up to LVL 50!
  • 4 new Treasure Maps!
  • 6 new Enemies to battle!
  • Over 25 new items for Isa and Siris, including magic rings, weapons, shields, helmets, and armors to collect, master, and sell.
  • New Holiday Helms for Isa and Siris.
  • New Goals and Achievements.
  • Now translated into 2 additional languages: Latin American Spanish, Indonesian, and Thai.
  • A number of additional balancing tweaks, bug fixes, and gameplay enhancements.
  • Players can now link directly to Customer Care via Options Menu

Also includes content updates INFINITY BLADE III: Ausar Rising (Update 1.2), and INFINITY BLADE III: Soul Hunter (Update 1.1).

Recommended: Update device to the latest iOS version, install IB3 update, and restart device before playing.

Parents: You can turn off In-App purchasing in the iOS settings.

Follow @Infinityblade on Twitter

1.2.2 17 February, 2014 Hotfix
1.2.1 03 February, 2014 Hotfix Thanks again to all of our amazing players for their continued support of Infinity Blade III! Follow @InfinityBlade for all the latest news.

Update 1.2.1

  • Bug fixes and optimizations
  • Additional Customer Care features, including addition of Customer Service button in Options menu
1.2 19 December, 2013 Content Pack INFINITY BLADE III: Ausar Rising
  • Play through 3 new quests: Siris and Isa come face to face with the ultimate embodiment of evil – a soulless Ausar the Vile!
  • Travel to where it all began – the Dark Citadel (the original Infinity Blade I castle), Siris’ home in Drem’s Maw, and the legendary Plains of Koroth.
  • Battle 9 new enemies, including a ferocious new Dragon.
  • New Mode: THE ARENA – How long can you survive in the Arena? Do you claim your prize now, or risk it for ever increasing rewards?
  • New Hardcore Mode: DEATHLESS QUESTS – The ultimate way for the ultimate Infinity Blade gamer to play the game!
  • Trade tips and secrets with your friends via the all-new in-game chat feature.
  • Over 60 new items for both Isa and Siris, including weapons, shields, helmets, magic rings, and armor to collect, master, and sell.
  • Unlock 8 new Skills: Remove equipped Gems for free, double Chips earned in Battle Challenges, cast super boosted Magic, and more!
  • New Goals, Potions, and Gems.
  • New Holiday Helmets for Isa and Siris.
  • Fully compatible with iOS 6 and iOS 7.
  • A number of additional balancing tweaks, bug fixes, and gameplay enhancements.
  • Optimized for the new iPad Air, iPad Mini with Retina display, and iPhone 5s: featuring full screen anti-aliasing, bloom, full screen vignettes, distortion, high resolution shadows, and environmental reflections.
  • Recommended: Update device to the latest iOS version, and restart device before playing.
1.1.1 06 November, 2013 Hotfix
1.1 31 October, 2013 Content Pack INFINITY BLADE III: Soul Hunter
  • New quest, location, and enemy: Travel to the Metius Observatory to face the Deathless Bloodmage known as Oslim, on your quest to hunt down the missing Infinity Weapons.
  • Over a dozen new items for both Isa and Siris, including magic rings, weapons, shields, helmets, and armors to collect, master, and sell.
  • New Explore feature! Return to unlocked areas for additional loot and XP.
  • 3 all-new Goals, and additional Goal tiers.
  • Official kick-off of new ClashMob mode: Trials.
  • Halloween Holiday Helm – for Isa and Siris.
  • Fully compatible with iOS 6 and iOS 7.
  • Adjustments to potion, gem, and forge times based on user feedback + gain more time for completing quests. Purchase additional slots in the Gem, Potion, and Item Upgrade Forges.
  • Ability to skip end cinematic, credits, and tutorial section once the game is beaten.
  • Adds support and optimization for new iPad and iPad Mini, featuring full screen anti-aliasing, bloom, full screen vignettes, distortion, high resolution shadows, and environmental reflections.
  • A number of additional balancing tweaks, bug fixes, and gameplay enhancements for all players.
  • Recommended: Update device to the latest iOS version, and restart device before playing.
1.0.4 26 September, 2013 Hotfix
  • Optimized for the iPhone 5S, featuring full screen anti-aliasing, bloom, full screen vignettes, distortion, high resolution shadows, and environmental reflections - it looks crazy awesome!
  • Removes crashing experienced by some iPhone 5S players
  • Server Optimizations and Bug Fixes across all devices
  • Players should close all apps and restart device after installing update for optimal performance
1.0.3 20 September, 2013 Hotfix
  • Optimized for 64-bit iPhone 5S
  • The iPhone 5S features full screen anti-aliasing, bloom, full screen vignettes, distortion, high resolution shadows, and environmental reflections - it looks crazy awesome!
  • Includes bug fixes to decrease load times and enable In-App purchases
1.0.2 20 September, 2013 Hotfix
  • For iOS 6.0 or later
  • Includes bug fixes to decrease load times and enable In-App purchases
1.0.1 18 September, 2013 Hotfix
  • Supports full iPhone 5 resolution, iPod 5, iPad 4th generation, and iPad mini - and it looks amazing!
  • Fully compatible with iOS 7.
1.0 11 September, 2013 Official Release


